We have listed corresponding solutions for some common questions. If you have a problem that is not on the list, please feel free to contact us.

Yes. We offer customized C&I products to meet the needs of even the most demanding customers.

The technical department of Chisage Poland is at your disposal, offering support in the launch and operation of our equipment.

Yes. Our office and warehouse are located near Warsaw, in the vicinity of the logistics center in Janki. This guarantees fast and efficient logistics service for our customers.

Campaigns together with our partners?
We conduct joint marketing campaigns, training, and industry events together with our strategic partners.

All the products we offer go through a full certification process and are approved for use, and, if necessary, listed by PTPIREE.

The warranty for inverters is 10 years and for batteries 5 years.

Yes, of course. Our inverters work with most batteries available on the market. We also maintain a list of compatible batteries that have been tested to communicate with our inverters.